Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stephen Colbert and The Golden Compass

God please bring back The Colbert Report. This is the perfect book for the Stephen Colbert character - bears! Armoured bears! Bears who devour people's souls! That;s a Threatdown all down up and served on a platter. Killer bears in children stories - true as that may be to the nature of bears - must be like proof of the existence of God to people like TV Colbert. So please bring the writers back.

The stories of how the viewership for all the streamed shows for one week did not hold up to a crappy 30 min sitcom. I think the implication is that the writers shouldn't be trying to fight for the small pie over the present money at least from the mouths of the producers. But doesn't that exact same logic apply to the other side as well? Why be uptight over sharing a supposed piece of nothing and be set back on whatever they're losing in delays and coughing up ad money? What a bunch of crap! No logic whatsoever. Well, I never understood business and making huge amounts of money.

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